SQL In Data Events
Paul Boyle
This is excellent if you have the record ID, but we really need the ability to query fields within forms, or at a minimum pull all data from a form and then sort and work with. For example, if I want all items within a form where the date is within a certain range, I don't have the record_ids, but I'd like to retrieve them and then populate the record link field.
Katie Briggs
We have released a new data event called LOADRECORDS to handle this use case and others! LOADRECORDS loads records from the local (offline) database into Data Events.
Check out our documentation here: https://docs.fulcrumapp.com/docs/data-events-loadrecords
Katie Briggs
in progress
We are working on a new data event which should provide a lot more flexibility to access information in other records while offline.
Katie Briggs
As Stephen E. Van Hoose, RA alluded to, you can currently create SQL queries via API calls within data events. This is limited to online/connected use cases.
For the folks that have voted for this, what functionality are you looking for beyond using the API for this? (e.g. is it the ability to use these queries offline? or something else?)
Stefano Pompei
Katie Briggs yes, being able to perform SQL queries offline would be a great advantage for our case scenarios.
Paul Boyle
Katie Briggs Being able to access local information while offline in other apps would be wonderful. Fulcrum's app can do this to some extent via auto-populate with record links, but allowing us to do something similar to a GET or PUT in a data event without having to make a call to Fulcrum's servers through the REST API would be wonderful.
Jeremy Palmer
Katie Briggs Yes, I've started using API queries for quite a few use cases now, and have come to rely on them. But I'm always conscious that now quite important functionality is dependent on having a good internet connection ... while the data is actually sitting there on the mobile device in other database records all the time.
Joseph McCann
Katie Briggs yeah offline is what I meant, 100% of our mobile app use is in offline scenario.
Stephen E. Van Hoose, RA
If this enhancement is something other than needing an API call to execute it, it would be an improvement. We use SQL queries via API calls within data events for many of our apps.
Dale Wilson
Bryan McBride
under review
Thanks for the suggestion! Data Events are currently scoped to the record being edited, so this would require some fundamental changes, but there's definitely value in being able to programmatically interact with other records in the database.
Stefano Pompei
You mean something more flexible than what you can already do using 'Record Link' function, right? I'm asking just to take into account the possible applications of the feature that I'm not considering now.
Joseph McCann
Stefano Pompei: Yes, we'd like to be able to programatically iterate over records residing in other apps that match a certain criteria, counting the number of rows returned, getting data from the remote records, and optionally pushing updates to them as well. Would be useful to generate choicelist value arrays on the fly, based on data in other apps on mobile.
Samuel Sikes
Joseph McCann: YES, this would be awesome!