Feature Requests

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Get Importer to summarise photo issues
I am importing new records into one of my apps with 302 photo references. Some of the photo references are recycled from previous inspections in the same app; others have been sourced from other apps, for which I have downloaded (and resized) copies with the original photo IDs and included them in the zip file. At Review Issues stage, I get multiple warnings which I want to ignore, as follows. Recycled Images from the same app. There are large numbers of "issues" worded like this: Photo file 'db085181-cb02-483d-97ec-47abec0ed0da' for photo field with data name 'bb_reference_photos' does not exist in the uploaded file. A reference to the photo will be added to the record, but the photo file will have to be uploaded later. This wording is misleading. The image already exists in that app, but attached to another record (the latest survey of the same feature). So I don't need to upload the file later, I can just ignore this. Recycled images from other apps (in the zip file). There are also several "issues" like this: Photo 'd4562d6f-696d-4dcb-b755-065717e63ea7' for photo field with data name 'bb_reference_photos' is being used in another app. Since the actual photo file is included in the import, a new photo identifier will be created for this photo. Really, this isn't an issue at all, since the importer will resolve it using my attached photo. Apart from the misleading wording, the real problem is the sheer number of issues flagged, which are difficult to scan visually, in case there are real issues hidden among them that do require my attention. Today, there were four such issues, since my zip file didn't contain all the images I needed, but I completely missed them until I got to the Summary page, where it was immediately obvious there was something wrong. Since there were, in fact, only four missing images in my zip file, could the importer please stop reporting non-issues and/or aggregate error messages so I don't have to scan through several screenfuls to see if I have a problem. (I'd also like cross-referencing images in other apps not to be an error, but I've made a separate feature request for this.)
Allow Importer to cross-reference images from other apps
We recycle images frequently from one survey to another, to help surveyors identify something (usually a tree) for reinspection, so they're sure they are in the right place. I have created some queries that make importable CSV files containing photo IDs that we import into the relevant app whenever we plan a reinspection. This works well enough when the images were collected in the same app as the reinspection (apart from repeated unhelpful messages at the Review Issues stage), with the new record sharing the image with the previous inspection. However, if the image was in a different app, I have to find and download the relevant images (which is not easy given the number of images we have collected), reduce their size and zip them together with my CSV files for the Importer. These extra steps are very time-consuming and force me to trawl through lots of "issues" at the Review Issues stage to make sure I've included all the images I need. I understand the Importer is trying to protect me against certain risks: * if the original record is deleted, the 'new' image will be lost in the new app; * if a user only has permission to see the new app, they won't be able to see the image because it resides in the other app. I am prepared to take these risks, because of the way I manage access to the apps and because we won't be deleting any of the original records while there's a chance we could resurvey any of those features. Can we please have an option at Review Issues stage to confirm that we understand the risks (with a link or reminder of what those risks are) and tell the importer to proceed with the import with 'foreign' photo references?
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