I have been really impressed by all of Fulcrum's features, but have found one thing I think is a really glaring missing feature:
I want to move records created in one fulcrum app to another easily.
In this case, it is the 'draft app' I have been using to figure out what features we want. Now that we are happy, I have created the new final version of the app (as I didn't want to break any of the records collected in the old app by changing the draft app structure into the desired final structure). So I want to add the old records into my new app (which includes records with repeatables). I am finding it surprisingly difficult for two reasons:
1) I can't use the csv export/import to move the records, as I want to maintain complex geometry (our records use combinations of points, lines and polygons)
2) The esri shapefile export/import workflow requires I have to import each type of geometry seperately, and parents before the from repeatable children. To import successfully, this means I have to manually edit each shape file to update the record IDs to get parents and children to match up again (see help chat record opened July 18th with Sandeep with username llf@platypus.org.au for full description of the problem). This is extremely fiddly for something that I think should be an easy fulcrum feature - moving records from one fulcrum app to another.