The Status Field is a great tool and offers a great visual in the split map view. I wish you could have more than one Status Field. Here is my example. For a Culvert pipe Inventory, I have the Status Field populated by the 5 point condition rating I give each pipe. This allows me to color code each record on the map based on the condition score. But what I would love to be able to do is click on a second Status Field view option with the pipes then displayed by the "Need Attention" field we also use in the culvert inventory. For this it would be something like No - (green), Watch - (blue), Yes General - (yellow) and Yes Urgent - (red). As it is right now, to my knowledge, one would have to do a full export of all the data and pictures and upload into a new and separate app. Then you would have to go between two apps to look at the same data in two different views. Then you have the problem when it's time to make updates to the data. Thanks for reading!